PA Governor Signs Execution Warrant For Rapper Cool C



Welcome 2 the Hood
Dabei seit
13 Okt 2001
Cool C soll hingerichtet werden

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
cassidy erwartet ja das gleiche schicksal!
sehen wir das Gute darin, und hoffen, das die Kids merken, das gangster sein nich nur cool is
Soooo klassisch.
Wenn ein weißer in Amerika jemadnen bei einem Raub umbringt bekommt er 25 Jahre aber ein Schwarzer bekommt die Todesstrafe :mad:
naja "verpasst" haste nich viel.. ich mein du guckst ja nich jeden tag nach News über MainstreamRapper wie Cassidy oder?

Also hier sein Schicksal..

Nach seinem aktuellen Hit „I'm A Hustler“ wird Cassidy vielleicht nun bald „I'm A Prisoner“ im Gefängnis vor sich hertrellern. Denn seit dem 08. Juni liegt ein Haftbefehl gegen den Philadelphia Rapper vor.

Der Tatbestand ist der Mord an dem 22-jährigen Desmond Hawkins am 15. April diesen Jahres. Jedoch war er bei dieser Tat nicht allein. Er war mit zwei seiner Jungs unterwegs. Auf den Mann wurde unter anderem mit einer AK47, welche bei Cassidy und seinen Homies sichergestellt werden konnte, geschossen.

Mit dieser Tat scheint Cassidy schon wieder fast am Ende seiner jetzt gerade beginnenden Karriere zu sein. Doch um einer sofortigen Verhaftung zu entgehen, will sich Cassidy den Police Officers selbst stellen.

^^ist echt übel!! In der Vorletzten Ausgabe der Source war ein Bericht über Rapper im Knast.

Turk (War bei Cash Money Records) - Hat 10 Jahre vor sich (hat auf einen Officer geschossen)
Mystikal - 6 Jahre (Steuerhinterziehung)
C - Murder - (Bruder von Master P) - Lebenlänglich (wegen Mord)

Juve war das WE auch im Knast (weil er seine Alimente nicht gezahlt hat)... der soll blos sauber bleiben..
^^5 Jahre sind wegen sexueller nötigung und 1 Jahr haben sie im hingehängt wegen den Steuern
Cassidy's murder trial began yesterday (January 23) in Philadelphia. The 23-year-old MC is facing a first-degree murder charge.

As SOHH previously reported, Cassidy (born Barry Reese) surrendered to Philadelphia Police on June 17, 2005 after a warrant was issued for his arrest for the April murder of Desmond Hawkins.

After waiving his right to a trial by jury, Cassidy is now hoping that Common Pleas Judge Judy Greenspan will acquit him of first-degree murder or find him guilty of a less serious charge, for his part in an April shootout that claimed one man's life and left two others injured.

On April 15, the 22-year-old Hawkins was sitting in a van parked in an alley behind Cassidy's home when he was fatally shot in the back. Hawkins and his friends drove to Cassidy's house to settle a fight that had broken out at a Rite-Aid Pharmacy earlier in the day between Hawkins' friend, Roberto Johnson, and one of Cassidy's friends. Gunfire broke out once the van entered the alley.

At the trial witnesses gave different accounts of who fired first, but ballistics evidence found that about 30 shots had been fired at the van and at least 12 shots had been fired from inside the van.

According to reports, testimony from Johnson claimed that he had been urinating in a nearby yard when the shots rang out.

"As I'm urinating, they drive past," he said of his friends. "I get myself together, shake myself off... and I started hearing the gunshots. When I heard the gunshots, I ducked behind a car."

During Johnson's cross-examination, Cassidy's defense attorney Fortunato Perri got the witness to admit he had really gone to the rapper's home to retaliate after being beaten up at the drugstore, not for a truce, as he had claimed.

When Perri questioned whether Johnson would shoot another man if he had to Johnson responded, "If my life was threatened, and only if my life was threatened." Johnson had already testified that while being beaten up outside the Rite-Aid, one of Reese's friends had threatened to "bang" him.

During questioning Perri introduced the idea that the first shot may have come from Johnson, who was outside the van at the time of the shooting. Johnson said that he came to the meeting without a weapon and that he had seen only one gun in his friends' van. He claimed that he picked it up after the shooting, put it in his own car and later sold it.

Prosecutor Deborah Watson-Stokes argued that Cassidy had planned the ambush on Johnson and friends by placing four men in strategic positions to attack the alley. She says the set-up proves premeditated murder.

A witness for the prosecution, Joseph Newkirk, had initially told police he saw Cassidy fire a gun that night, but while on the witness stand he recanted his original version of events, saying that he lied to the police because they intimidated him.

On August 16, 2005, Municipal Judge Marsha Neifeld ruled that prosecutors had sufficient evidence to charge Reese with third-degree murder, attempted murder and weapons offenses. This was later overturned to the original, first degree charge, ruling out the possibility of parole.

Trial testimony is expected to end today.


da hat er ja nochmal Glück gehabt
C-Murder Aims For New Murder Trial
Wednesday - February 22, 2006 by Carl "H.D." Chery

C-Murder recently requested a new trial with the Louisiana Supreme Court.

C-Murder (born Corey Miller) had his second-degree murder conviction reinstated last year. The New Orleans rapper was convicted of killing 16-year-old Steve Thomas back in 2003.

Recently, his defense lawyers, Robert Glass and Ron Rakosky, are filing for the Supreme Court to overturn the Fifth Circuit of Appeal's ruling. If the decision sticks, C-Murder will face a mandatory life sentence in prison.

Should the Supreme Court stick to the Fifth Circuit verdict, C-Murder's legal team will be able to appeal the conviction. He was denied a new trial in March of last year.

In April 2004, State District Judge Martha Sassone ordered a new trial stating that prosecutors were keeping information that some key witnesses had criminal records. However, two out of three judges in Gretna, Louisiana's Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal panel disagreed. Judges Sol Gothard and Clarence McManus wrote that the key witnesses' testimony wouldn't be relevant because "there was an abundance of other evidence which fully established Miller's guilt."

On the other hand, Judge Thomas Daley said the appeals court makes decisions based on the judgment of the trial judge.
taken from

da bin ich ja mal gespannt.... hab mir aber schon gedacht das da noch was kommen muss... wenn man so viel cash hat, wird man kaum den rest seines lebens im Jail sitzen ;)

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